Year 4- Mrs Hill & Mrs Deal
Class Teachers |
Mrs Deal (Monday & Tuesday) Mrs Hill (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) |
Teaching Assistants |
Mrs Cox – TA (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri) Mrs Hunt - HLTA (Weds, Thurs, Fri) Mrs Werecka – TA (Mon am, Tues am, Weds am, Thurs am, Fri am) |
Welcome to Year 4! Mrs Deal teaches the class Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hill teaches Wednesday to Friday. Our TAs are Mrs Cox, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Werenka. Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays, although children should have their PE kits in school everyday. Mrs Hunt is our HLTA who teaches the class during PPA time on a Wednesday afternoon.
We have lots to look forward to this academic year:
Times Table Check (MTC)
In year 4, every child takes a national test to check their times table knowledge. This will take place in June 2025. They are set 25 random questions (computer generated) up to 12x12 and have 6 seconds to answer each one. It is crucial that the children spend time each week practising their tables. Useful websites to support this:
Maths Frame -
Times Table Rock Stars - (Every child has a login for this)
Residential Visit
In the Spring term, we have the exciting opportunity to take the children for an overnight visit to Burwell House. The cost will include meals and two action packed days of activities. If your child has never had a sleepover, the summer holidays may be the perfect opportunity to organise one or two!
Brass lessons
In the summer term, the children will have the opportunity to learn the cornet. The instruments are provided for them free of charge through the Brass Roots project across Staploe Education Trust and a weekly tutor will come in and teach them how to play.
Pupil Survey
To complete the survey for pupils please click here.
Curriculum Map
y4 yearly overview 2024 2025.pdf
Autumn Term 2024 Overview
Below is an overview for the Autumn Term 2024.
Whole-Class Reading
- The Witches
- I was a Rat!
The Write Stuff
- Narrative Adventure - The BFG
- The River by Valerie Bloom – poetry
- Narrative Friendship and hope – The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse
- Diagonal joins
- Parallel ascenders and descenders
- Break letters
Maths (WR)
- Place Value
- Addition and subtraction
- Area
- Multiplication and Division
KIRFs (Key Instant Recal Facts for Mathematics)
- Aut 1 - multiplication and division facts for the 4 and 8 times table
- Aut 2 - multiplication and division facts for the 12 times table
CUSP Science
- Living things and their habitats
- States of matter
Art and Design (KAPOW)
- Drawing: Power prints
- Painting and mixed media: light and dark
Computing (NCCE)
- Computing Systems & Networks – The Internet
- Creating Media – Audio Production
CUSP Design and Technology
- Food and nutrition
- Mechanisms (hinges)
CUSP Geography
- Rivers
- Latitude and longitude
CUSP History
- Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
Music (Charanga)
- Mamma Mia!
MfL (iLanguages)
- Animals
- Parts of the body
- Colours
- Adjectives
PE (Real PE)
- Personal & Social units
- Hockey
- Gymnastics
- Rights, Rules and Responsibilities
- Drug Education
- Digital Lifestyles
- The Three Robbers
- BBC Drug Education Scenario
Empathy Books
- Born Free - Dreams of Freedom
- Look Up Peanut
RE (Discovery RE)
- Judaism (Beliefs and Practices)
- Christianity (Christmas/Incarnation)