Welcome to Year 1's Class Page
Class Teacher: Mrs Laura Bedwell |
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Michelle Davey & Mrs Fiona Lowe |
Curriculum Map
2022 2023 curriculum long term plan year 1.pdf
Our Learning in the Autumn Term
The children will continue to complete daily group phonic lessons supported by Little Wandle's mnemonics. Every day, the children will practice reading and writing with sounds, concentrating on a sound a day for four days with a recap on day five. The children will also bring home books appropriate for their level to enjoy at home.
Our story for this half term with be The Train Ride by June Crebbin.
The children will enjoy exploring the book through role play to immerse themselves in the key plot points of the story. We will then use the key points to write sentences focusing on writing clear sentences.
During year one the children will focus on these key parts of their writing:
1. Capital letters
2. Full stops
3. Finger spaces
4. Letters on the line.
5. Sounding out words.
6. Using conjunctions (and, because, so) in writing to extend sentences.
7. Reading their writing back to check that it makes sense.
In the Autumn Term, we will learn about place value to 10, which will include learning about greater than, less than and equal to when comparing objects and numbers and using a number line. We will also begin to learn about addition and subtraction within 10.
Our KIRF (Key instant recall fact) will be focusing on learning number bonds to 10.
Children will also complete short daily numbersense sessions. These sessions will support the children with their quick recall of numbers. Children will also learn how to use a rekenrek. Children will be encouraged to visualise movements on the rekenrek before making them, with the aim that, over time, the rekenrek can become a ‘tool for thinking’. This will enable the children to calculate efficiently with understanding, without the need for a physical model.
This half term, we will focus on the Seasons, weather and day and night. The children will enjoy learning how the Earth spins around the sun and the moon around the Earth.
In Art, we will explore different kinds of lines and how they can be used to create effect. We will also make shape art using overlapping shapes and colours to create our masterpieces!
Design Technology
In Design Technology, the children will be exploring moving pictures and mechanisms. We will explore mechanisms in books such as levers and pop -ups and then create their own.
In Geography, the children will identify continents and oceans on a world map. We will enjoy looking at maps and globes and enjoying learning the different continents and oceans and where they are situated.
In History, we will learn about our own personal History and the important dates and events in our lives.
In RE, the children will be exploring Christianity. The children will think about whether God wants Christians to look after the world. They will explore the creation story and think about ways to look after the world.
In PSHE, the children will be thinking about beginnings and belongings. The children will be developing classroom ground rules and building positive relationships in the class. Children will have the opportunity to consider what it feels like to be in a new situation and how to cope with that, and to develop strategies for helping people who arrive new to the school. They will develop their own ‘Safety Circle’, identifying trusted adults at home and at school whom they can ask for help and support.