Our Staff
Teacher: Mrs Maguire & Mrs Brooks |
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fuller & Mrs Mendes |
In the Reception class at The Shade, we aim to prepare children for their school life by providing them with what they need to become independent, interested and inquisitive learners. We also aim to make the children’s first year at school enjoyable and instil an enthusiasm for learning which they will take with them through their school career.
Our environment is vital to the children's learning and development. In Reception you will find engaging role play, vibrant displays and provision that covers all seven areas of learning (as effective outdoors as indoors).
Our parents and carers are partners within the children's learning therefore we celebrate the learning that takes place at home, as well as school.
The topics that we cover are based upon the interests of the children, This allows them to be enthusiastic about their learning and engaged at school.
This half term we will be welcoming the children into our classroom and helping them to get acquainted with each other. We will be thinking about all the new exciting things we will be learning.
Colder weather
Now the weather is becoming colder and wetter we would like to encourage the children to dress appropriately during outdoor play. Please ensure your child has a rain coat and welly boots at school.
Curriculum Map
We will begin daily phonics, following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme. In the Autumn term we focus on the single letter sounds, developing our blending and segmenting skills.
The children will also be learning all of the tricky words that go along with our phonic phases.
The children will be working on their developing writing skills this term. We will be encouraging them to use their phonic knowledge to develop their writing and correct letter formation. The children will begin to write for a variety of purposes including; labels, stories and lists within their play.
The Write Stuff
We will be starting Jane Considine's 'The Write Stuff' model this term. Our first unit will be 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.
During the Autumn term the children will be developing their number knowledge to 5 and beyond.
We will be matching & sorting and comparing different amounts. We will then move on to develop representing, comparing and composition of numbers to 5 as well as finding one more and one less.
The children will become confident with comparing size, mass & capacity and explore different patterns. We will begin to develop shape knowledge and discuss positional language.
Home learning
Every week we post our new learning on Class Dojo, which explains all of the exciting learning that has taken place throughout the week. We also suggest a fun learning activities linked to the learning which you can complete at home.
Reading at home is absolutely vital to a child's progression in reading. We encourage you to read with your child for around 10 minutes everyday to give them the best start in their reading journey.