Learning at Home
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are pleased that you are so keen to support your children develop and grow as learners. Below are some useful websites to help you to support your child/ren with learning outside of school. We will endeavour to update this page when new or more relevant resources are brought to our attention.
We hope you find these helpful!
Curriculum Support
Topmarks have published a series of articles aimed at parents and carers. Articles provide advice regarding how families can help their children in positive ways - including support in education. The articles have an emphasis on encouragement and show how learning activities can be fun:
Parents' Resources: Topmarks Education
BBC Education have produced a wide range of curriculum support materials for pupils between the ages of three and 11. The website below may be a useful resource for home learning projects.
Primary Homework Help | Online Games For Kids
KS2 means stepping the game up in mathematics. Children will have already had the opportunity to say a cheery hello to addition, number lines and multiplication. Now it’s time to get stuck in with fractions, shapes, perimeters and other mathematically-spectacular topics. Using the website below, children in KS2 can refine their skills as they work to achieve the much-desired Mathematical Whizz Kid status.
KS2 Maths - 65 Enjoyable Quizzes for Children aged 7 to 11
Starters for STEM are a set of activities that parents and carers can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. These activities are easy-to-resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them. Explore all the past activities, which cover everything from making a telescope to investigating the science of baking bread.
Primary resources for home learning | STEM
Oak National Academy provides free video lessons, slides and worksheets to support pupils with their learning. Created by teachers in response to coronavirus, the resources are freely available. Lessons cover a broad range of subjects, from reception to year 11. There are no sign-ups or logins required.
Oak for Parents and Carers | Oak National Academy
White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring parents and carers a mini-series called Maths with Michael. We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and can find it difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods. Don’t worry, episodes accessed via the link below will give parents and carers an introduction to place value, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and algebra. Now sit back and enjoy!
Maths with Michael | White Rose Maths