The Weatheralls Primary School


We offer optional extra-curricular activities to help our pupils discover new hobbies and interests. These activities are run by outside companies and do come at a charge.

Brass Ensemble
Mondays, 3.15 - 3.45pm

Run by Staploe Education Trust

This club is open to pupils in years 4,5 and 6.  A place in this club can be booked via Arbor

School Choir
Wednesdays, 3.15 - 4.00pm

Run by Staploe Education Trust

This club is open to pupils in years 4,5 and 6.  A place in this club can be booked via Arbor

KS2 Football Club (7yrs - 11yrs)
Thursdays, 3.15 - 4.15pm

Run by Prestige Sport

Book a School Club | Prestige Sports Deve (

Laser Tag Club (5yrs - 11yrs)
Fridays, 3.15 - 4.15pm

Run by Prestige Sport

Book a School Club | Prestige Sports Deve (

Prestige Sport   

Prestige Sports have been delivering exceptional sports coaching experiences to children since 2009 and have become one of the market leaders in sports coaching provision across the East of England. 

Their sessions are designed for children of all abilities and are run by highly trained professionals. They offer a range of sports activities from football and laser tag. Activities are alternated each term so that children have a chance to try out as many sports as they would like to. The booking system for these clubs is via the Prestige Sport website which also has lots of information should you wish to find out more. 

Click here to visit the Prestige Sport website

Under venue, you will need to select The Shade Primary School.